Odd Day
The Padres scored the most runs they ever have in Chi Town....the MOST...13 of 'em...well, at least in Wrigley Field...as they banged the ball all over the place...of course, it was 82* and the wind was blowing out...still...go figure...and now we put out our unconfirmed ace, Andrew Cashner...look for a 3-2 game...

Dwight Howard...eegads...am I missing something here?...it is a long shot to keep Howard and the coach...mediocrity is just not allowed in LA...weird...
The Grizzlies marched into Staples and methodically beat up the Clips...who ran a mysterious offense...meaning no O...how can you play a play a season of 82 games and have no flow to an offense?...when the Spurs or Nuggets replace guys, the O still goes...not in Clipper Land...they need new direction...oh, by the way, the Clips are done...I still can't stand ZBo...
Tim Tebow got released from the Jets...this is NOT odd...but the reaction was...as ESPN brought on a former Gator Coach of his that supported him...Tim was not picked up by any NFL team thereafter...and one more bizarre Q was which guy, Jason Collins or Tim Tebow, would be signed in their respective leagues first...oh my...
There is a new TV show in the fall....The Best Hooker...really?...10 of 'em competing in an action packed, weekly series...hey, I'm just the messenger...it's a fishing show...gotcha...
My can't miss pick from the NFL...WR Justin Blackmon from the Jaguars...star of Oky St...put on another shelf...of 4 games for substance abuse...after a couple of DUI's...to boot...I guess there's just not enough money...
Geno Smith, WV Star QB...who was picked to help out the Jets...who then released Tebow...fired his agent...cuz he thought that his hired gun didn't do enough to make him a higher pick...what?...good luck on that NY...you've got a beauty...
I know it's all about the money...but...the NBA playoffs should be a 2 of 3 gamer...the rest of these are too much...
BREAKING...3 more people were arrested in the Boston Bombing...as of this am...