
Good morning, kids...I actually got out to play golf yesterday...felt great and the weather was just as nice as it could nice...finally, as this cold knocked me out for almost 3 weeks...

I have to think I am wrong about Louisville...the Cards will win it...I think I was just so surprised that the Ducks played them so well...Michigan, who beat Syracuse, can't handle the pressure of the way, the semi-final games were good ones...what you think of the officiating?...played a major part of the games...

Oh my...the Padres...sunk to new 1-4...and continue to show ineptness at the offensive end...paltry hitting...and display such weak pitching...throw in shoddy defense...I just don't know what the salvation is...

And just why are we still in Afghanistan?
N Korea wants Prez O to call him...this via the worm...
Speaking of Korea, the other one, dominates the LPGA...
The Lake Show in a donny brook for number 8...
Why is everyone worried about the Tonight Show?...
What % of the pro athletes used roids in the late 90's?...
Who DIDN'T know that Auburn and Newton weren't filthy?...
Cost the Ducks the crown...
Rutgers whole situation is pathetic...did you see the interview of their Prez?...
What a belligerent piece of crap...really...
The Kentucky Derby is right around the corner...
Big day...Lakers vs Clips...
And Utah at Golden St...
And the 'em...
The Cards...this time...mid afternoon....
Finally, nothing better than the Country Awards...tonight from Vegas...
Go Carrie!...


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