Happy Easter
Whether you do or you don't...you must respect the day and it's meaning...did I say that right?...anyway, Happy Easter...
The Shell Open...turned it on to just see...and what was there was fun...the youngish blokes leading
were trying not to choke...and the vets were fast closing on them...look for Billy Haas or Stewart Cink
to win...or even...
The Shockers!...if you would tell me that a team from Kansas was in the final 4 I wouldn't have been surprised...but not Wichita St!!!...and Syracuse got in...destroying the turrible shooting Marquette 5...
Today's Duke/Louisville one will be a beaut....I got the Devils...and then Mich./Florida...Big Ten...
Something is really smelly at the end of the Laker games...calls are going their way in a very odd fashion...and after the fact, the league says that the calls should have gone against LA...more of the same crap in Sac last eve...the Kings were hit on a 3 pt attempt and no call...we had a fix problem in the league before...again?...
Did you know that Stevie Nicks and Lindsey Buckingham put out a record before Fleetwood Mac?...panned...and it's not bad...Buckingham Nicks...
Opening day is today for MLB...manana for the Pads in NY...
Please, count your eggs before you hide them...