Picture Elements

Say what?...I'm going to school you on what's what in the television world...my background got me a thinking for my blog...the concept of picture elements, most commonly called "pixels"...in your terms, it's the number of little dots that make up your tv screen...so, you go down to one of the big box shops and you want to buy a new tv...and you stare at all the imagery that is projecting back at you...and you get some young yahoo who comes up to help...these are the best ones to have...just try and get help at an Apple Store and you will know what I mean...very smart blokes and blokettes...to find the richest and sharpest picture...you must find the number of these pixels...and to do so...it's a simple multiplying formula...number of scan lines times the number of pixels per line...in the older models, you had 525 available scan lines, that the tv makers used but 480 of them...and had 720 pixels per line...thus about 345,600 pixels...in the newer HDTV's...1125 scan lines available, that they used 1080 of 'em...and had 1920 pixels per line...thus about 2,073,600 pixels...about 6 times more...and 6 times as clear...WELL!...
So they quickened things up and called the choices...480, 720, or 1080's...and then they stuck on the p or i to it...what does that mean?...usually 720p or 1080i are the choices...p stands for motion clarity...you probably have a 1080i that doesn't have the best track for following football teams...there are some 1080p sets out there...AND...LCD or plasma...simply, plasma usually has fewer pixels, but they are brighter...have I confused you yet?...and you are also dependent on whether you have cable or your own dish...your "box" has to be able to send the right number of pixels to your set...ha ha...so then...you go to some buying guide and look at the most reliable tv's...geez...so...you look at them square in their eyes...say, that you want a 1080i or 1080p set...50 or 52 incher (diagonally measured)...oops, that's from one corner to the upper other corner, for you yahoos...we haven't talked about the sound...fuggetabout it ...you are going to hook it up to a sound system...they actually put the speakers on the back of these sets to save space for the pixels...lastly, are you going to mount the set to the wall?...more issues...at least you have a clue now...

Using MY set...
The Bachelor..."I am not a playboy"...and then goes out and eliminates the gal whose bro accused him of this dastardly way of life...ha ha...I think that he'll go for the gal from Seattle...or the one that is the military brat...can't go wrong either way...or just stay a playboy...oh, and the gal eliminated last week?...Tierra...she's now engaged to another bloke...must not have been too deeply in love with Sean...
Glee...watched the last week episode...well...I am saying that this one couldn't have aired 5 years ago...so many hook ups, it took a tally sheet to keep up...the only ones that didn't were the ones that were supposed to get married...what?...get back to the singing...
Alec Baldwin...sometimes the celebrities figure they are above the law...just ask LiLo...and off they go to rant and carry on...he has been on the edge for some time now...this time he may have gone too far...
Mike Montgomery, Cal hoop coach...I saw the video of his shove of his player...stress does weird things...and he needs a break...when you can't say in words what needs to be said, it's time to take some time off...
Hillary for prez?...got to think she is starting the chain of motion now...and I am one that thinks that she would be solid...the only thing I am worried about is her latest medical situation and...her age...early bets are her against Mitt...he always runs for the GOP, right?...

Bracing for some wet stuff...


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