
Never, ever, bet on the I withered in the blasphemous play calling inside the Raven's 10 yard line with 2 minutes to go...eegads, what on earth are the timeouts used for ?...the stage was set for the biggest comeback in the history of this overblown event, the Sooper I...

was a party of is the only way to truly watch the game...assuming it is as big as every one wants it to be...I can see every play , without a brilliant knot head telling me why it is working...or not...or a retarded one...oops, that's Joe Flacco's words, not mine...and see the highly paid and played commercials...without a group singing out, "that's the best"...or that's the worst...
MVP was Balt's QB Joe Flacco (pictured) the way, CBS don't open mic the players right after the game is over...geez, Joe, that's two goofs...
the commercials...without a doubt, the Danika Patrick one was the most disgusting...the farmer one was the best...why did the Bud people waste their money on the ones they used?...all of the CBS promos were lame...
the black out...power has been an issue for that area since their huge flood...for some reason they stay away from is so much better than that year? New Jersey...what? was snowing there yesterday...
the Harbowl...neither one of these blockheads liked the could you? the regular season there would have been countless blokes thrown out for cheap shots and fighting...I saw this team of officials as being lazy...too bad...repeated blown line calls...Jimmy H went crazy on the no call on holding on his last question...but, they hadn't called much all game...
the antler spray...everyone turns their head when it comes to the Raven's LB, Ray time, it will come out...just like ARod...illegal substance...nothing will come of it until it's too late...
the half time show...I apparently am in a solo thing on this...I thought it was over-rated...Beyonce can't sing...a warbler...she dances well...shows a lot of energy...quick, name me a song she sings...quick...she needed JT to help her...just as he did with Janet a few years back...
the awful play of the Niner's CB, Chris he repeatedly got whupped by the Ravens...something about pay back for his comments about the gays in football...made some people mighty happy he got his due...I thought that he should have been benched for his play...
the bet...I would have won $250...

As the rest of the day went like this...
as if there was anything else going on...
Lefty led from start to finish to win in Scottsdale...first to worst...was Kyle Stanley...last year's champ...
The Clips lost a close one to Boston...still no CPIII...
The Lake Show beat Detroit...
PDX beat Utah in back to back ridiculous NBA scheduling...

Have a marvelous Monday...


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