
Talk, Smack know what that is, right?...when somebody does it to get under your's what happened this am when the Trib's new sports guy, Matt Calkins, wrote in his article about the Tiger win out at Torrey Pines...the gist was to say it wasn't a major, so what the heck...what? is so hard to win out there...Calkins is going about this in a selfish way...he wants a name for he'll be a bad boy, and be controversial...belittle the title that Woods won...doesn't sit well with me...this is not the first of such articles he's done...the jury is out, yet leaning towards jerkism...

Oh, by the way...Tiger won by 4 shots...he stumbled in and wasted 3 or 4 shots with errant tee balls...ha ha...welcome to my world...I guess that's why it is 72 holes...he needed the buffer just in case...what about Lefty?...floundered tax prob there...Rickie (don't call me Rick) had a great last 3 rounds and finished at 8 under...

The tour takes off to Arizona for the Waste Management Open...what? this funded by the Sopranos?...the wild part of this one is the par 3 that is like in an arena...plenty of bubbly flowing and raucous behavior...not really golf...but works here somehow...many of the blokes pass this one by...I can't imagine me teeing off there...

Finally, the Sooper Bowl comes into it is this Sunday...Harbowl...I'm pulling for Jim H...well, I have $ on them...and if they do it, it will be the title town for and spread remains at 3 1/2...

Is it just me or is this version of The Bachelor bland and boring?'s like we have seen this before...a girl that the rest of the flock hates, that the guy likes, and gets the rose...what?...

Downton Abbey season 3 hits the stores today...get it...


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