Fiscal De-Cliffed

BSBCS...what a frigging joke that Northern Illinois was part of the BCS picture...hey, they put up a fight...but were definitely a full notch below the elite status...take those computer rankings and shove them where the sun don't shine...pick out 8 blokes and let them decide...
Yesterday's Bowls...ha ha, Big Ten Bowl that will cast a huge shadow on the beginning of '13...they lost all but one...a miraculous V by Northwestern...the fate of the others...Michigan, Purdue, Nebraska, and Wisconsin...all big L's...losers...ha ha...
The mighty Clips of LA are winless in swallowed up by the Nuggets in Denver...poof, there goes the 17 game streak...they couldn't hit any long bombs, and thus, got bombed themselves...the other LA team? bopped at home by the young Sixers...ouch...and PDX goes into NYC and beats the Knicks...go figure the NBA...never, ever, bet on the NBA...
Our big night out on New Year's Eve ended right around 9:15...just in time to get home and watch the aftermath of the NYC celebration on the tube...wait, it's not the tube's a conglomeration of pixels...anyway...the first act we see?...the Bieber...could this get any worse?...then we switch over to CNN...and there is the white haired dude, Anderson Cooper, and Kathy Griffin in the City...and much to everyones dismay, she actually goes down to simulate a BJ on the stunned guy...all we need now is to get a shot of LiLo in would be the worst trifecta of all time...that's enough, off goes the TV...heck of a way to start the New Year...
Today is the day that we take down our Xmas stuff...this is Wednesday?...feels like a Monday...there is a T out at the club that starts at noon...that means it ends in the dark...and like in the 30's...nope, CH is passing on it...besides, I am afraid to go back out and ruin my last game's memory...
It feels like I have just saved gobs of know what I mean, right?