
What does it mean to a golf T if the one and only Tiger Woods commits to it? is said to boost the attendance up 30%...I think that is under value...more like he did so for the upcoming Farmer's out at Torrey Pines in a few son is coming down and we will go on over for a day...seriously, you get to see him for a couple of holes...the entourage is incredible...he brings a whole new feel to the course...really...have you ever been to one when he was there? can hear his crowd all over place...and if Lefty gets going, it is magical...
Well, we got the Nespresso...and don't like it...the amount of Expresso that comes out is too small for our robust likes in coffee...we need the big is a fantastic machine...pop in the pod, and the liquid comes out near instantly...but, with our limited space in our condo kitchen it would be an add on to the normal coffee pot...back to the drawing board...
The Academy Awards...the most foolish of them all...I can't tell you how many times I have looked at the winners and wondered how in the hell they won...anything...and the lack of pats on the back for a comedy film...which is basically ignored by this goulash group...we watch to see the pretty people being pretty...and some yahoo gets a trophy to go along with his or her $15 million for making a film...geez, I am one negative dude today...
It is so cold down gets to like to 39* at night...and will even get to 32* later in the week...we are not talking about El Cajon, but in downtown...!!!...throw in the wind and it feels like I am back in the frigid PNW...this is the worst it's been since moving course, it gets back up to the 50's later on...but still...
Another school shooting...this time in the LA area...and a teacher talked the kid, I just don't know...we talk about this all the time...first of all, we have to get the guns off the streets...the rabid fire will take time...but must start now...and invest in security in every wife said, how about NRA volunteers...they all seem to be armed and ready...most people talk about band aid approaches...get the guns, then go from there...
Watched the Ducks beat the previously undefeated Wildcats of Arizona...ragged, ugly type of game...both teams just not that good...have I told you how much I don't like the way that basketball is coached anymore?...fundamentals are a thing of the past...dribble dribble...pass...dribble dribble...pass...dribble dribble...on ball screen...dribble dribble...shoot...repeat...booo...
I'm looking out at the sky right now...not a cloud in it...yet bloody cold...
PS...Quick Wampum ...WON...the 2nd race at Santa Anita