This will not pass

There has been way too many times that things like this have happened...recently...and Congress lets it pass...greasing their palms with fresh bills from the likes of the NRA...and then turning their heads to the issue of gun control in our country...hey, it's not the only thing that is needed to correct this type of tragedy...but, it is a major step...why on good earth does anyone...anyone...need a semi-automatic anything?...hand gun, rifle, shoot, anything?...
Yesterday I watched and felt the sickening, disheartening, numbing sensation of the latest of so many would you react?...both as a worker and as a the lives of every one of those people involved will be changed...forever...
OK, Congress, do your job right...WE WILL ALL BE WATCHING...
There was a guy on the Pearce(sp) Morgan Show last night that actually was speaking on behalf of the gun litigation crap...and Pearce lit into frustrating that people like that have the ignorance to pop off the way they do...
If you haven't yet, take a look at Twitter...the types of reactions are all the way of this blogger...the beauty of that source, is the instant can also be the bad part of it...this time, it's good...
People, do not let this issue die...

OK, I'll move on...
as I said yesterday, the things I talk about are much less mundane...yet...interesting in my own little mind...and, hopefully, to are here, right?...

The Lake Show...finally found a team worse than them to beat up on...the Wiz...and I did watch it...Wash is turrible...probably the worst in the league...nobody wants to talk about this...Kobe is part of the defensive problem...he's playing two step D...and doesn't cover up...ha ha...that's why D'Antonio has so much does he get into Kobe's brain...ha ha...don't think that every team out there isn't licking their lips on playing the Lakers... the teams that have exceeded the amount of money that they can pay out to the blokes they have on their teams, they have to pay an excise tax...where does this $ go? to the league? be given to the rest of the beaten up, poor teams...I hope the Angels picked up the often mis-guided, mulit-talented, Josh Hamilton....let's see, they have the best O in beisbol now...and the Pads stand pat...grrrrr....

The best day in my life?....the birth of my son...which is this date, back in 1980...we have this, right?...I just feel so bad for those who lost theirs, yesterday...

Peace on Earth....


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