Be Wary

In this time of "fiscal financial chaos" least that's what I call it...the country gets another look at ugly know where Prez O stands...and you need to know where the Repubs do, too...their leader, John Boehner, Speaker of the House, stands small (5"6"), but carries the big stick of the rich boys...and he has the history of connecting with lobbyists, big time...
His group has come up with taking away the senior's things....Medicare and SS...ha ha...hey, he's 60...seems to find ways to go on many lobbyists funded golf trips for some time now...typical, awful, politics...that we just read about and deplore...and most people have no say to what goes on...sure, write to him and see where that gets you...
You know, he's but a couple of heart beats away from being the country's boss...scary stuff...anyway, there is a month for these men to find a middle of the road deal...just watch at what they release to where the fat cat's lobbying money and I will probably never know...
So...I feel very small and depressed...knowing the big money drives whatever we average people try to do...
OK, enough of can get into it as much as you want...Google (one of his lobbyist's friends, really!) him and read about his history...has many good things...but make sure you read about his lobbyist connection...

More BSBCS...somehow the Big 10 got 7, count 'em 7, bowl bids...and, in every single one of them...every single one of them...are the underdogs!...there is a reason that a very average Ohio St ran the table is much worse than the Pac 12, the league that the pundits rip...get real...I always follow the money...and the blokes who make the betting lines know...yup, they know...

Think that the collegiates don't prepare their guys for the NFL?...try the RGIII and Luck experiment on for size...throw in a couple of other rookie QB's and you'll say , "yes, indeedy!"...

What on earth was that Blake Shelton "Christmas Show" all about last eve?...I mean, c'mon...he can sang, but the writers were way off on this...

See what I mean about the Clips?...nice comeback win at Utah...where the Jazz were playing real well...and look at this Lakers...the Clips know when to get their bad free throw shooters off the floor...speaking of that...why are these modern day big guys so bad at it?...not just a few of them, but MOST of contention, is that nobody hangs around the gym and just spends hours just shooting...PNW Blazers beat another bad team, on the road, in OT...any win is a good win for that team...

Marsh got me an early Xmas, Dan Post' uns...Hecho de Mexico...what?...not in China?...geez, I wonder if they make boots in China?...Hecho de America?...doesn't sound right...

The 1st of 3 parties this week is tonight...can I hold up? know, I am getting old...


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