Hard Knocks
Pro football is a brutal sport...very big human beings pounding on each other...it is the modern day gladiator sport...no more evident than this past weekend...where 4 QB's went down with concussions...and two of the hits were of the "fines deserved" type...thing is, is that enough?...I believe that there should also be a 6 game suspension tagged for the severe hits...and escalates as repeated violations occur...yet...
the general population absolutely loves the sport...as long as it happens to someone else...and on to the Bolts...Norvy hit the nervy button after the latest debacle in Tampa...mores signs of the demise of the team...er, his coaching tenure...anyway, it's time to let his show go, and bring in another bloke and try up his stuff...OK, I've hit this button way too often...
NCAA football...Ducks are winning despite the obliteration of their defensive line...can this hold up when they go against the Stanford whatevers and the Beavs in successive weeks? And the line of 21 1/2 seems excessive to me...right?...if they were healthy, maybe...and, still in the hunt...KSU and Notre Dame...will both probably end up undefeated...as will Ohio St, who is sitting out a probationary period...so, it could be a champ game without a SEC team in it...wow...didn't see that coming...
The CIA fiasco gets weirder and wider on a daily basis...more blokes and blokettes involved...and the stuff they talked about gets more and more "secret" in transcription...you'd think the other side could figure this stuff out, too...little head dictating the big head, huh...oops, too descriptive...
DWTS...is there any doubt that your gurl Kirsite has to go next?...decidedly the worst of the group...and one more to get the boot...pretty much a toss up...and old judge Len was turrible on Derek's group...a 7?...c'mon Lenny, even you know better than that...it appears that the fan votes are real slanted...Derek is safe...I fear Emmit is the one...
Sammi won the "cutest pet award" for the downtown area...so she accepts her honor this afternoon over at Bayside...no idea what it is...but, she hopes it includes doggie cookies...
Only in San Diego...
the general population absolutely loves the sport...as long as it happens to someone else...and on to the Bolts...Norvy hit the nervy button after the latest debacle in Tampa...mores signs of the demise of the team...er, his coaching tenure...anyway, it's time to let his show go, and bring in another bloke and try up his stuff...OK, I've hit this button way too often...
NCAA football...Ducks are winning despite the obliteration of their defensive line...can this hold up when they go against the Stanford whatevers and the Beavs in successive weeks? And the line of 21 1/2 seems excessive to me...right?...if they were healthy, maybe...and, still in the hunt...KSU and Notre Dame...will both probably end up undefeated...as will Ohio St, who is sitting out a probationary period...so, it could be a champ game without a SEC team in it...wow...didn't see that coming...
The CIA fiasco gets weirder and wider on a daily basis...more blokes and blokettes involved...and the stuff they talked about gets more and more "secret" in transcription...you'd think the other side could figure this stuff out, too...little head dictating the big head, huh...oops, too descriptive...
DWTS...is there any doubt that your gurl Kirsite has to go next?...decidedly the worst of the group...and one more to get the boot...pretty much a toss up...and old judge Len was turrible on Derek's group...a 7?...c'mon Lenny, even you know better than that...it appears that the fan votes are real slanted...Derek is safe...I fear Emmit is the one...
Sammi won the "cutest pet award" for the downtown area...so she accepts her honor this afternoon over at Bayside...no idea what it is...but, she hopes it includes doggie cookies...
Only in San Diego...