4 More Years

In a very close race, Prez O, won the presidency for four more years...and, I am going to tell you, Mitt's concession speech was wonderful...I am serious, I could have lived with him as the boss...not my choice, but could have done it...there is such a great allegiance to both sides of the parties...it's cool, it's all about checks and balances...the 1st important item?...finding a worthy replacement for Hillary as Secretary of State...as she did a marvelous job...2nd most difficult position in our government...

Do you tweet?...it gives you an instant insight to what's going on throughout this land...of course, it depends on whom you decide to follow...I have like almost 400 tweeters on my list...and included in that, a number of news and sports services...try it out...

Have you heard of any hanging chads?...just a bunch of long lines...and this...I think all polls should close at the same time...but, not sure the rest of the country feels the same way...does it influence the west coast voters?...or, can it?...

If the inference of the novel "The Panther" that it is way too easy to go in and out of this country from the likes of Yemen...then why don't we do something about it?...if it is true...by the way, just a wonderful read...

SDSU's victory over BSU was the 1st ever win over a top 20 team...really?...in the history?...of their football program?...wow...

Hey you Beavs, are you bewildered about the point spread with the Stanford team?...I mean you are 4 1/2 point dogs...really?...in my mind, it should be the other way around...

The Donald is such a jerk...listen to his rant after the election...yup, he wanted to be the prez...ha ha...

Prez Clinton, er slick Willie, is a huge force for the Demos...go figure...by the way, if Hillary can get rested...she just may be the top candy woman in the next go around...

The din din last night was so cool...like 4 years before, the race was declared over while we were there...same waitress, our beloved Misty...yet...this time around, no big screaming when it was announced...well, outside of me...I did...yelped, not screamed...

The bloody mayor race here...Filner and Demaio...every one I talked to had Demaio...I'm serious...and he appears to be losing...just a horrible campaign...as he was so negative, that maybe it backfired...I don't know...

Not sure that you are used to be a rocker fan...but I bought the new Aerosmith CD...Stevie Tyler...there is one track I absolutely lurve...his duet with Carrie Underwood...

Last thing...do you think that the "celebrities" have an influence on the vote?...


dws said…
I have a lot to say about this election, but it would be pages long and I doubt anyone cares. I am especially happy that the billionaires who tried to influence this election failed. I truely believe that Faux news and Rush Limbaugh have made this country more divided than its been since the Civil War.
Crazy Horse said…
Maybe, Snooki...it seems that the repubs vote the same way, regardless of the $ that the super pacs throw at them. It's such a complicated process...has Florida quit voting yet?

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