Well NOW

Who was that masked man, Kimosabe?...it was Mitt...and he was prepared...and caught Prez O off guard...don't get me wrong here...it's not a knock out, but a wake up call...the Prez spent most of his time back pedaling and defending...and his attacks on Mitt were weak and lacked drive...it was a clear 1st win...and it doesn't get better...for awhile...as the VP's go at it next...and the young buck, Ryan, should have his way with Biden who was clobbered by Sarah 4 years ago, "I can call you Joe, right?"...let's just see how the BUMP goes until the next Prez debate on the 14th...

Chase Headley won the RBI title in the NL...beating out the guy, Braun, who they were finishing up against...cool stuff...first time for a Pad since Winfield did it back in the 70's...

The MLB playoffs...I'm just not that crazy about 'em...

When was the last time a Beaver team was favored by 15?...and there are those out there that think they will even beat the Ducks...maybe it's the year of the underdog...there is a long time to go before that matchup...I do believe it is a good look at just what they have, as they go against the team that just played U of O...

For a winless team, isn't it interesting that the line has risen to 3 1/2 for their home match against the Bolts...yup, the Saints...with their tiny QB Brees, who is a castoff from SD, and has set all them dang NFL records...OK, don't hold your breath...

I know you have this date on your calendar...Native American Day...this upcoming Monday...shoot the black people have a whole month, and we are relegated to one day! 


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