Cleveland "Indians"

OK, I know you are going to say, here we go know, my feelings about the use of mascots and team nicknames for sports and schools...and many of the schools and teams have changed from the "traditions" of the past...the state of Oregon has actually passed a bill to ban 'em...hey hey, Roseburg, what are you going to go to?, I decided to look at one of the histories of a team such nicknamed...the Cleveland Indians...

A Major League Baseball franchise that actually started around 1865...and went through the transition of many team names...and when the team became part of MLB in '01 was actually called the Bluebirds...circa 1914, they had a change of ownership, which by the way, happened often...and decided to "honor" one of their old players, who played for Cleve from 1897-1899...just so happens the guy, Louis Sockalexis, was Native American...thus, the honor of an Indian was born...and exists to this day...

Of course, the mascot changed to a more degrading one...Chief Wahoo...around 1947...and all the crap that follows...drums and chants and all the normal stuff...and the "tradition" is here to stay...
how does that sound to you, if you had a team called the Jews, the Negroes, the Wops, and on and get my point?

Soap box is, the Debate...
really dislike the town hall my esteemed colleague from the great northwest said, that nothing that the candy men would say, would change his mind...I really believe that is the case for most of the peops in the land...BUT...if you hit a foul ball and say something crazy, it may bite you...and Mitt did just that..."binder of women"...he needs the women to vote for him...OK, I don't think that there are that many peops will come down to how many of each party actually get out to VOTE... who won?...Prez o dominated...hey, but I'm biased...

DWTS...the bottom two were actually the right choices...Kirstie and Bristol...seems petty with much more happening in the BP got the axe...and the other dancers being way better...I mean, WAY BETTER!...

Finally, the debacle at the Bolt's camp...Coach Norv is still the boss...and he actually said that he was going to simplify things for his QB...ha ha...2nd and 9, and will run one more time...3rd and 9...punt...the city is in an uproar over this situation...the Trib tries to run a semblance of the countless letters and emails that is's like 99-1...

Off to Torrey Pines for some afternoon golf...somebody has to do it...


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