Tuezday Tidbitz
This is just a great day to talk about minutia....is that a word?...maybe I made it up...OK, here goes...
Thanks Snooki for responding...yup, the Ducks had a great first outing, without embarrassing their opponent...and what might Fresno St. bring without their long standing coach there...Pat Hill, seemed to get a lot out of a little...the line is 34...I didn't talk about the TE, but he was very impressive...
There was a blasting column in the Trib about the impending doom of this season's version of Norv Turner's Chargers...that less than mediocrity will do the Bolts in...again...and yes, it is a rampant feeling around here...but with Phillip Rivers, there is always hope...maybe he'll call his own plays?...
In this day of progressive minded football coaches, when you are stuck in the 60's type of guys, it makes no sense to stay with this guy...I'm talking the bloke who decides that he doesn't need a kicker in FOOTball...hey, as much as I dislike the notion of a skinny, 150 lb guy, sauntering out on the field and deciding the win or loss of the team...it is what it is...and you must have one or two of them...see SDSU...
Kim K wants a star on the Walk of Fame...they say no...what?...there is no bigger star than her, right?...she's in the news every single day...who she is with, or what she is or not wearing?....and her video, it was a major game changer, right?...set the way for other stars in the future, right?...deserves a big star...
Adrian Gonzalez...he repulses me...how much money does it take for a guy to be happy?...and now he gets moved to the Dodgers, and states that he loves being back in the SoCal area...and promptly is benefiting his new team with a .200 batting average...I just may go to the home game and boo the hell out of him....or right now, boooooooooooooooooooooooo....
The Demos start their show tonight...in North Carolina...Prez O's wife is up first...let's just see how their system works...and do they have a surprise speaker up their sleeve?....I mean, how can you top Clint Eastwood?...c'mon...by the way, we had this huge debate on the Romney/Prez O thinger at our building party last night...ha ha...don't get too upset when the other side tries to make their points...there is no changing their minds...ha ha...or yours...ha ha...or mine...ha ha...
The state of Oregon has two home games the same day...yes, SoCal, the area lurves their football....and they fill up the stands...but....the Beavs have a tough game in the Badgers....and are home team dogs...any chance?...
A week away from taking our annual V to Maui...

There was a blasting column in the Trib about the impending doom of this season's version of Norv Turner's Chargers...that less than mediocrity will do the Bolts in...again...and yes, it is a rampant feeling around here...but with Phillip Rivers, there is always hope...maybe he'll call his own plays?...
In this day of progressive minded football coaches, when you are stuck in the 60's type of guys, it makes no sense to stay with this guy...I'm talking the bloke who decides that he doesn't need a kicker in FOOTball...hey, as much as I dislike the notion of a skinny, 150 lb guy, sauntering out on the field and deciding the win or loss of the team...it is what it is...and you must have one or two of them...see SDSU...
Kim K wants a star on the Walk of Fame...they say no...what?...there is no bigger star than her, right?...she's in the news every single day...who she is with, or what she is or not wearing?....and her video, it was a major game changer, right?...set the way for other stars in the future, right?...deserves a big star...
Adrian Gonzalez...he repulses me...how much money does it take for a guy to be happy?...and now he gets moved to the Dodgers, and states that he loves being back in the SoCal area...and promptly is benefiting his new team with a .200 batting average...I just may go to the home game and boo the hell out of him....or right now, boooooooooooooooooooooooo....
The Demos start their show tonight...in North Carolina...Prez O's wife is up first...let's just see how their system works...and do they have a surprise speaker up their sleeve?....I mean, how can you top Clint Eastwood?...c'mon...by the way, we had this huge debate on the Romney/Prez O thinger at our building party last night...ha ha...don't get too upset when the other side tries to make their points...there is no changing their minds...ha ha...or yours...ha ha...or mine...ha ha...
The state of Oregon has two home games the same day...yes, SoCal, the area lurves their football....and they fill up the stands...but....the Beavs have a tough game in the Badgers....and are home team dogs...any chance?...
A week away from taking our annual V to Maui...