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This Iran thing is spinning out of they have a death wish?...with most of the middle east people losing their dictatorships, they should be backing off, not popping's too bad, as the common people want friends in the US...hate, absolutely hate, politicians out of control...
Next month is the debate for our presidency...the GOP has to be shaking in their $2,000 boots...rumor is that Mitt has been meeting with Sarah for some hints on foreign policy....
1st class travel...the best...big seats, wine and wine gain, gourmet meal, and friendly stewards...and a flight that got the benefit of some strong head winds to get to SD 40 minutes early...
Holy moly...the end of the Pack/Seahawk game...figured to end poorly, as the game was a joke for the rest of it...for their own good, the replacement refs need to exit stage right...if it continues, one of them blokes will get shoved or's to that stage...booooooooooooooooo...
Modern Family must be funny...but whenever I watch it, it seems stupid to me...
Pamela gone first?...geez, Kirstie was awful...
Housewives of NYC and Jersey...miserable set of women...
Wonder who Scientology has set up Tommy with?...
Will EVERY Mormon vote for Mitt?...
Madonna has a wonderful way of getting her points across...
The Ducks number 2 and the Beavs number 18...nice PNW...
Time to get all our stuff done...the place is empty...
Addendum...please Snooki, show some humility and grace in your deplorable actions. Not only were you cursing like a plumber, but to actually blame some Keizer bloke in the crowd...well, it was a shameful act, to say the least. My fine fellow coaches, Tye Wilson and Mickey Toft, were stretching their Chrisitian vows to their limit...yet we knew, that your "confessional" to your priest had to be a doozy! By the way, you cheater, you LOST the game...