
We did much of the normal stuff...the dolphins thing was cool...went to Fremont...ate at Monamiegabie...ha ha, what ever it is called at Paris...watched a Blues Bros Act...went to the Bellagio and saw their latest flower thinger...sunbathed, drank, and ate....and did some gambling....
I bet on the mighty they were favored for the first time in 8 heard me right...and they were prohibitive'd that work out?...the seller was laughing at me...he couldn't remember the last time SD was on the give side...and, of course, the Pads, were shut out and I lost...
However, I did bet on the Pro Football Champs, on the Bolts and the two hopefuls for the season...great odds on SD...ha ha, really?...25-1....
And my other passion...hoss racing...Delmar opened up yesterday....47,339 people...don't tell me horse racing is dead...I'll go Friday or is the opening act of all down here...ladies in their finest garb and hats...and they all bet huge sums of $...actually a million more than last year...and the weather right now is bet I'm ready... I am a big pick 3, 4, and 5 fan...which means I study the form the nite'd I get into this?...when I was 16 and my buddy Jack Dent and I were at the OSF...we had a "sure thing" for a quinella...ran around the place looking for somebody to bet for us...finally found each other in time to watch the finish...both were ticked as the results were not looking in our favor...boom!...the numbers were lit up....We won!...little did we know that we both got someone to get our tix...we cashed twice for $ them there days, and our ages, that was huge...and I was idea about Jack...
Are you following the election stuff?...the polls fluctuate more than the stock market...and I'm going to tell you...just don't get too excited until the debates...then go and get your dander up...I know half of you are GOP...just don't get ticked at me for my can voice your side any time you want...
Off to the grocery store...out of everything...I hear we are on a new diet...starches are history...more fish and here we go again...