US Open

Yup, tied at the top is Tiger at one under...hey, it's going to take a bloke with a great penchant to forget the they will stumble at times...but have enough length and shot making to recover...
Cris and Leila are trekking over there to watch today's, am I jealous...
The Pads gave up a 5 spot in the bottom of the the game is over after one right? ended up like 10-2....why oh why is C Hundley still in the lineup...or bigs for that matter...bad hitter, bad catcher....send him down to get his sea legs...
Schools out for summer...remember when the powers to be wanted to go year round?...I thought I graduated 30 times...and read about a coach taking his team to Reno for a team camp...lurved those more out of a week, then any other time...we tried to bolt the same day we got through with school...
And now for the sublime and ridiculous...
Why would anyone go to a bar with rival rappers in attendance...
LiLo was found unconscious at a hotel...exhaustion...
Oprah interviewed the Kardashians...her ratings must need it...
Britney walked out of the X Factor cuz of lack of talent...
Brit's sis sang a song about her elder's influence...
H of OC are getting marriage proposals...
H of NJ are fighting...
H of NYC are hating Ramona...
H of DC are no more...
Madonna showing her rear in Europe...
Aspen losing snow...
Costner and Baldwin settle nothing...
Hundley batting .168...
Stony Brook got stoned bad by the Bruins...
Big party here tonight...I'm making sliders...didn't I already say this?...beef, turkey, and and sliders?...who's idea was this?