No Mo TomKat

And they thought it would last forever...the marriage of Tommy Cruise and Kate Holmes...NOBODY is talking about the Scientology part of sources say it's at the root of it...ha ha, TMZ...where else would I read crap about it?

The heat wave back east is now affecting the PGA thinger in Washington, or close to fans allowed today...what?...Tiger must love that...or will he?...he does thrive on the wave of emotion, yet, he won't acknowledge any of the fans...odd, huh...

Hot rumor is that the Pads are close to moving 3B Headley to the Dodgers...and they, finally, sent C Hundley to the minors...after struggling to a .166 batting's been a month late in my book...and bringing up a much heralded young prospect catcher...might be's a brutal game...

Lamar K is moving back to LA, albeit to the Clippers...does he still have it?...hope so, but their problems are on the D end of it all...not sure he helps in that aspect...staying in LA, Gasol and the center are being shopped, but not at a bargain basement price...the Lakers are not dumb or frugal...

The GOP must be huddling on the Obama Care fallout...seeings that Mitt already tried that in his "state" a bit back...where do they attack?...there is no way the Demos will let that clip fade away, showing Mitt saying just what the Prez is the way, is there a more despicable guy than Boehner?...oops, too much commentary...

Got my packet on Medicaire and the possible have to be a rocket scientist to figure it much money did it take for the authors to write it up?...confuse the public and it is then successful....

OK, my leg is still not up to par....and I am on my 2nd week of no golf...this is NOT GOOD!


dws said…
Obamacare! Is it good or bad or somewhere in between? I find it difficult to get unbiased info on the act. The conservatives on fox and Rush are emotional partisans that would know the truth if it hit them.The liberals on MSNBC think this will move us into the modern world like other countries.
So my questions are:
1. Is this truly a huge burden on small businesses?
2. What is the TRUE cost to taxpayers?
3. How many people will actually opt out of paying for healthcare?
4. What SPECIFICALLY is the Republican alternative?
5. How would most American rate these priorities in their life?
a. National security
b. Retirement
c. Health Care
d. The Defict
e. The Environment
f. The Accumulation of Wealth
g. Religion
I would invite others who read your blog to comment and I promise I wont criticize. We all have philosophies that we we try to support with info. Which means our philosophies are limited to our sources. Truely intelligent people try to gain as much info as possible and aren't affraid to change their positions.
dws said…
Ok I made an emotional comment about Fox without stats, and I said would when I should have said wouldn't. thats whar you get when emotion trumps facts.

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