N B Aaaaaaayyyyyyy

up to now, it's been the healthy teams that survive...in this 3/4 type of season...due to the lockout...really, I like the fewer games...but to pay the astronomical salaries, the league needs more games...too bad...hey, these guys get paid way too much for what they do...sorry, but true...cuz they are so near to me, I'll start with the...
Lake Show...undoubtedly the most difficult of all coaching jobs, since Phil Jackson left...who is a legend...and his style has rubbed the stars a bit...Mike Brown...I'm talking...moved the Lakers into more of a modern pick and roll team offensively...has to deal with an aging wonder in Kobe...and a talented, but hard to handle center...and one of the weakest benches of the better teams...and either you hate or lurve 'em...no in between...as they stumble about in Oklahoma City...and lose the 1st two of the series...the Thunder (Supersonics) are a younger, deeper team...can LA hold serve at home?...don't think so, and figure Brown be the victim...
The Heat...well now...one of their big 3 goes down...Bosh, who to me is a not a premier player...and shouldn't affect the squad that much...BUT...their boss Spoelstra...has issues with some of the big paid guys...aka, James and Wade...and are making the Pacers look like a formidable team...what?...internal probs that Miami should take care of and will come back and win this series...and LeBron...man is he struggling with the finishing off games tag...he will get over the hump, but WOW, is it ever getting to him now...
The Spurs...Coach Pop is the guy...no if's and's or butt's...ha ha...you do it his way or else...love it...imagine one of the selfish ones out there playing for him...how about Melo?...he would last 3 days...ha ha...anyway, they are just toying with the woefully wreck of a defense in the Clips...LA's style is all pop and glam...but to beat a team like SA, you have to play real hoops...they can't and will be done...stick a fork in 'em...roll over...in 5...
The Celts...is there a more unlikeable group out there?...the Big Ticket should be another name...and I won't say it...but he is a jerk...oops...he acts like one...and the Truth?..what?...he plays zero D...yet, can score it...their opponent, the 76ers, play hard, but are way outmatched...kind of resemble the Pacers to me...I can only stomach a quarter of these games...boooo....
The Padres did it...let go of the multi-millionaire Odog...put J Bartlett on the 15 day DL...and brought up the 2b/SS combo from Tucson...don't think it will pay off immediately...but in the long run, yup...of course, SD couldn't beat their old teammy Harang again last nite...
Idol...did not see the Joshua exit coming....really thought it would be Jessica...so...clears the path for the double name guy...Phillip Phillips to become the next "American Idol"...
Off to the course to start the 3 days Member-Guest T at Sycuan...