R U Kidding Me

My day is full of sarcasm...and I can't take it anymore...if you watch the tube, or look online...the headlines are abuzz over crap, pure crap...that people must watch, listen, and like what is out there...

Snooki is releasing information on her baby's daddy...almost in every news source out there...

Kim Kardashian is not returning her wedding gifts...for the 72 hour, er day, sham...instead, giving double the value to a charity...geez, that's what I want with the $1,000 gift I gave...and how does she know the value of all the gifts?...

Hulk Hogan doesn't know the partner's name in his sex tape that was released...sure...

Michele Bachman got another forum to spit out her stuff...refusing to lambast Rush Limbaugh...instead, talked about her trials and tribulations laid on her...on the Piers Morgan Show...

"You're a lucky Dude"...quote from Sarah Palin, to the reporter who was interviewing her at the voting place in Alaska...

Mitt Romney asking Newt and Rickie to drop out of the GOP race...and what about Ronnie?

Not so funny...Rickie has been gaining ground in California...I'm just trying to figure out who is this group of peops...it's a very liberal area...

Auto racing...round and round they go...until...they have a big crash...

Forbe's list of billionaires...and you thought your spanx was just a passing fancy...

Why aren't the headlines all about...

The Supreme Court unleashing the Super Pacs..go after the Court Members and find out how and why they allowed this abomination of voting monies...benefiting who?

The oil companies...why they are making such monstrous amounts of cash...as we the public continue to pay more and more...

The stock market...a detailed report...for the layman...who, what, where, and why....give the details on everything...an expose...

The drug cartels in the US...a real look at the border and why this is such a brushed aside topic...

I'm just saying...


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