De Oscars

So we have a glut of oil...and yet the price of gas is pointing this is a ploy by the gas companies to make MORE money?...if you have any judicial's time to use it NOW...
Idol final 24...well... the panel is going to add one more choice is the big there a big time player in the mix?...I really like the guy who is a teenager that is Italian...ha ha...that's the best description I can come up far so little to go by...on the other hand or channel...I try the Voice...but it's a bit corny...but still watch it a jury of one is still out...
Rickie...really?...there is NO CHANCE of him winning...I just can't believe that the GOP would send him on...can you imagine him as the Prez? way, no no no...get someone better, elephants...I want a viable alternative to Prez O...
Afghanistan deserves to be governed by whomever they choose...and then..if they pick someone that challenges the free world...then they get what they themselves endorse...what a deplorable country...what century are we in?
There's this article in this week's SI that tells about a high school hoops team in San Jose...where the coach boots 8 players off for team infractions...will let them back on if they each come back with a parent and sit down and talk...they don't...another 5 players come in and say if the 8 aren't reinstated, they are going to quit...the coach says good bye to them all...they know what the decision is...he then finishes the season of 19 games...with the remaining 4 boyz + 2 jayvees... winless, of course...who taught who what?, where are the parents?
The Match Play in Tucson...Tiger falls again...the Golf Channel went dark in frustration as he lost...fact is...he has this prob between his ears that he's still got...when he fixes it, he'll be back...but he needs a mental guy to guide's not that the fans aren't here for him...they are...
It's Friday already?