South Carolina
This is the page turner of them all...the South Carolina primary...of course, we are talking the repubs...and after last night's, debate...the clear leader is...well, it's not Mitt...too many peops aren't buying the Tax thing...Rickie and Newt had a good showing...Ronnie is just a odd person out in all of this...but, man, does he have his faithful followers...whoever comes out of this vote usually, and I say usually, wins the nomination....I'm not so sure this time will get the next states involved...Florida may be huge...
Are you getting your fill of American Idol?...we taped both nights and watched 'em, commercial free...and it is the ONLY way to view 'em...and there appears to be some pretty good blokes and blokettes...this Sunday they are in San Diego at Petco Park...geez, I didn't even know the whole group was here...
The new show, The Firm, is a very good one...just catching up on it now...I'm not joshing you...
The rains have begun in the Pacific Northwest...and it is awful...flooding and the land doesn't need it...stay safe, my friends...
If you don't have a warranty insurance plan on your home or need one...the type I am talking about is the Home Warranty Plans...which covers your appliances, plumbing, electrical...etc...we have American Home pay for the $60 deductible and the rest is the in point...our dishwasher sprung a leak...Bosch...called AHS, and the NEXT DAY a repairman was here...fixed it and the cost was the deductible...just think if your washing machine went out...or you fridge...believe me it is worth the investment...roughly costs $350 a year...if you want more info, drop me a note...
And it is said by our local weather guys and gals, that we are to get some precipitation, as I have my normal Saturday AM golf...
Where's my rain hat?