Rumor Has It

There is nobody out there going to stop Mitt, after his win in New Hampshire...
The line on the Tebow and Pat game is 13 1/2...some major divine intervention needed...
SDSU survived against the 0-13 Chicago St. hoopsters...what? home, too...
Natalie Wood's drowning is now a closed case...duh...
The Blazers did a number on the Clips...and are putting themselves in the top 8...
Kobe went off on the Suns...the same team that whupped PDX a few days ago...what?
Why isn't there ever a comedy in contention for the Oscar?
Watched the Sean Penn/Naomi Watts "Fair Game"...slightly slanted...maybe not?...
A warning light went off on my's STILL covered on warranty...8 years!..
Ronnie just won't go away...the conservative youth will keep him alive...
LiLo now is talking taxes...she has so many such a young age...
One of the GMA hosts is a judge on Miss America...and, poof, there was the K mom, too...
Please, please, please (James Brown) away with the K's...
Why the eradication of the light bulb to the squiggly one?
If you haven't cleared your cache lately, do so now...
Tiger's ex had termites...her house did...that's why she leveled her $12.5 mansion...
OK, that's it for rumor to Sycuan...