Holy Moly

Ode to be a kicker...just ask the poor feller out of Stanford...who turned from potential hero...to goat...as he missed the game winner...and then watched haplessly as the other team won...my sleeper team of the year, Oklahoma St....you know by now, I think they should do away with the FG kicker and settle it like men...not some 112 pounder prancing out on the field and swatting his leg but once...still, another very good game...and...wouldn't it be nice if there was a playoff?...college prezzes, be ashamed, very ashamed!
The latest version of the Bachelor started up last eve...it seems like the producers always throw in a doo wacka doo one in on us...and the Gal Blogger from NYC fits the bill...kinda creepy, though...looks to be a good 2 or 3 month run...ha ha...Marsh already has the winner figured out...
Just in!...the Iowa Caucus has named Sarah Palin as it's winner...oops...it's a donny brook between Mitt, Ronnie, and Rickie...what? Where did he come from? Mister ultra conservative...been roaming the church halls for 2 weeks now and rebel roused the parishioners to get out and caucus it up...for him...good bye Michele...
I did it...first meat I have eaten in 6 days...we made spaghetti and it was good, Clark...maybe we had the flu...I don't know, but it was REAL BAD, I tell you...
3 regimes in the NFL have toppled and booted their brass...the Rams, the Colts, and the Bucs...are the Bolts next?...pink slip day...it appears the magic number is 3, as in years the owners will give a coach to...WIN...
I lurve living in the city...so much going on all the time...we walk everywhere...and the view is fantastic...here's where I'm going with this...every January the restaurants run a week of $20, $30, and $40 specials...3 or 4 course dindins...and you can go to the real expensive ones for cheap...assuming we continue to improve we will take in at least 2 in the coming week...
70*+ all this week...to the beach, Solara!