Duck to Buc?

Hey, it was purnt near the move of the decade...rumored that the Duck's Chip Kelly was bolting to the NFL...and the Oregon nation was going wild...names starting to pop as the is apparent that Chip came to his senses and is staying put...let's hope...he's the most innovative guy out there...

Did you watch the NFL yesterday?...great games...and, my pix were right...however...I'm not a fan of the bloody FG as the difference maker...and that was what happened...the Raven's bloke missed and the Giant's skinny minny made...

Don't blink...there is another debate tonight in it is...Mitt is going to open up his tax returns...last gasp, as I see it...and the other three will unleash their money and dogs on Newt...what you see is what you get, there...still, anybody's guess...

American Idol on the Midway...right in my neighborhood...3 blocks away...I can't believe I missed it...must have been away...hey, isn't this show way better than that X Factor crap?...I say yes...

I figure I'm on the last day of the head cold...finally...and the weather is supposed to get to the high 70's later this week...yea...perfect timing... , not the PGA...I have reverted back to the R-9 in lieu of the R-11...feels so much lighter...and I can swing it easier...rumors that I am in the middle of many saying the same's the deal...when you do hit the R-11 it goes and's not as forgiving...well, at least for this hack...

It's been over 3 weeks for Wimpy to skip all burgers...yup, you heard right...and, have only had two days of the desert...ha ha...that's two nights, and it was 3 beers and 2 others...and...I have zero you know what that means... is to be a new Tim McGraw CD emerging tomorrow...always a great disc...

What's on the tube tonight?


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