It's another showdown with the it's New Hampshire's turn for the vote...a foregone conclusion that Mitt is going to win in a landslide here...just for funsake...listen to the monetary figures that come out on the has been off the charts...what recession?
Do you think that when a celebrity endorses a candidate, it affects the votes? I then why don't the boys and gurls who run, go after them?...don't tell me you are being the righteous one, and only are meeting the everyday'd do anything to win...anything...I digress...
It's been 14 days since Wimpy has had a cheeseburger...
Don't tell me about last night's Bachelor...I taped it and the suspense is killing me...
OK, it's the mark of the wurst bunch of ladies ever...ever....the Housewives of Beverly Hills...they can't watch their episodes, can they?
Breaking News...this early am, the police were pulling over a possible DUI...and the bloke jumped from his car and ran into the ocean...swims with the fishes...
It was a field day for the followers of the famous football fellow out of Florida...Timmy the pundits who followed him with grace and humility, got their pats on the did he...the wurst or best?...Around the Horn's and Denver Post's Woody Paige...
There is a huge push for a stadium for football in downtown....and I think it will'll go up about 14 blocks east of me...I give it 3 or 4 years...yup...
It's a beautiful morning and you...have a great day!