Anutter Debate

So I've decided to not shave until I get an eagle....let's see...I don't think I have had one in over a year...maybe longer...geez, maybe this isn't such a good idea...
We are bracing ourselves for a big rain storm this weekend...60's and rain...what?
Facebook is just another weird part of the internet...keep up on peops you haven't heard from forever...that without it, you'd only hear legendary tales...really, kind of cool...
With the condensed NBA schedule, I find it near impossible to keep up with it...I am usually surprised that my fav team played the night before...
So, very little more talk about Coach Chip going to the NFL Dolphins...must be a dead issue...
The Farmer's Insurance Open is here in a couple of weeks out at Torrey Pines...I've told you before about how bloody long the South Course is...7,698 yards...even the pros complain about the length...long irons way too many times...but, I'm tell you, very picturesque....not like Kapalua, but dang close...
And YOU, have a grand Tuesday!