Fun in LaLa Land

When I'm wrong I'm going to admit it...and I was wrong...the LA (formerly SD) Clippers made a bold and good move...acquiring the PG Chris's because he wasn't seen on the west coast much...but I took in the Lakers/Clips game last night...and he is a very good LA, is much improved...and fun to watch...big time...and I'm not talking about the purple team...he absolutely ate up all the PG's that the Lakers threw at him...I'm telling you now, get out and watch them if you can...they are fun, fun ,fun...

What is going on with the GOP?  It is running amok...just when I think they are settled in on a guy...he gets knocked off the throne...I suppose you gurl Michelle still has a chance, too...who doesn't? fact, get Sarah back in there...who knows?...still...the cost of running for the job is exorbitant...and they all can afford it?...when we all talk about the lack of $, they sure seem to be avoiding the dilemma...whatever...

FF...yup, the mighty Gaslamp Sun moves in to the finals for the title...thanks to the leg of SF's kicker...and it's down between the two teams that tied for the top spot in the regular schedule...and you think I know nothing about sports...

Housewives of Beverly Hills...OMG!..very unnerving episode about Taylor and Russell...the White Party segment...where the rich act very much so...have an elaborate gathering, as everyone is to be dressed in white...and yet, they all spent the entire evening in preparation for the couple arriving, to just then tell them they are no longer should all be ashamed of themselves..ALL of them...

Played at Morgan Run and somewhat famous around these parts...private club that apparently didn't know I was Native know, I look very Italian...and I must say...being a snobby Sycuan member...that how can their golf carts NOT have GPS?  I was lost out there way too many times...I know, I should have brought my Skycaddie, but, just assumed...well, you the way, 85, and am playing much better...thank you...

So, it's getting to be a lot like Christmas...cold and by the end of the week, the kids fly in...tonight is a dinner at the Mackles, tomorrow is the dinner with Puttses, Thursday is the dinner at the Strip Club...and Friday brings in the kids...oh yea, golf on Wednesday...pretty good week, huh...


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