
The President's Australia...I think I watched 80% of 'em...and the news out of it? Tiger is back...and it has to do with his psychy...he hits the ball as far as the youngins...and wooah be to Dustin Johnson...showed he is no match for any of these dudes...kudos to Jim Furyk for going undefeated in a season where he has struggled...oh, the winner? The US retained the trophy...lurve the course, as long as I never play it...
You northwesterners will lurve's raining here in SD...speaking of football ...SDSU got bombed by BSU, as predicted...but curiously gave up enough points in the last 10 minutes to have the spread, the hoopsters out at the Mountain...upset LB the way, the coach of 'em is Dan Monson, whose bloodline goes back to Gonzaga...assistant there when I took summer league teams to Spokane...and hold on to your rain gear, as the Bolts will get pelted in Chi-Town...even though the line is but 5...what?
And getting ready for the civil war next week, the Beavs unloaded on the Dawgs..scoring a gaggle in the 4th for a big V...this upcoming game is always close...let's see how the Ducks get back at it...more football...for a mild weekend, there were a bunch of upsets...Oklahoma St, Oklahoma, and Clemson all got beat...too looks as if it's 'Bama and LSU for the crown, huh..
If you want to get your fill of garbage, log on to Facebook...then withstand the many comments on the page of all the Duck passionate are we all...there is this one bloke, who just happens to be a Beav...who bought himself some Trojan gear...and went to root on USC just 'cuz...and now is raving about the big V his new founded lurve,
Well, we were in 2nd place in yesterday's tourney...we'll see...tough your own ball...take 3 out of 4 scores each hole...called 3 ball...kind of 1st six holes and my last six holes I was only 3 over...the middle six, 10 much played to my handicap...well, one under...just in case you want to know...
Have a great Sunday!