Prez Cup

I don't like it...the offense that the Broncos are using with their spiritual QB, Tim Tebow...I can say that, right? It has to be the most boring set used in the history of pro, I didn't say it wasn't effective...and that it isn't right for the conglomerate of players they drafted, er...traded for...just not my
Oops, speaking of boo...the Bolts mosey in to Chi-Town to play DaBears....with SD sporting a gaggle of injured players...look to this being a mismatch...and a further free fall for the highly heralded Chargers...just why is Norv still the coach? Maybe, the GM has to go too...booo...
Just across town there is this U that has been producing a pretty darn good hoop's product...and the Aztecs took on and beat USC last night...keeping my eye out on ' patsies here...or are they considered on of them to others?
So the line has raised up to 14 1/2 for the Duck/Trojan game...maybe I'm too optimistic, but I see a big win for I right on? Oh, and the line on SDSU is an 18 point dog to BSU...surely you jest...will be a 30+ rout...
The last show for Regis...I'm not sure, but the 2 week send off was a bit too much...he is sure likeable tho...and I liked him a lot...lots of rumors who is going to replace that I am recently retired (11 years) I catch the show most every weekday...well, usually 2 or 3 days a week...geez, I'm watching it's good...
And finally...opening up the death of Natalie Wood...really?