Well, your GOP Prez candidate is at it again...denying the latest allegations against him...a 13 year affair...which he vehemently denies...that she was but a friend...and so you say that Herman Cain can weather this "bombshell" and continue on...and why would he want to go on...this is a lot of $ to waste, er...spend to keep the campaign going...well...when you get in that position, all of the past comes out...let's move on kids and get real...he has little substance, crazy tax ideas, little knowledge of foreign policies, and talks about virtues, yet, has more probs than any of the others...naw, move on...
Major uproar on the Charger's coach...Norv Turner...saddled with a 6 game losing streak...and finally people fed up with the lack of preparation of the team...with a bunch of coaches getting their pink slips this week, ie. Dennis Erickson at ASU...it just seems that...well...on the other hand...Ohio St. hired the former Florida and Utah coach, now the ESPN analyst, Urban Meyer...he's from there and is re-energized to get back at it...proven winner where ever he has gone...
Think that Iran is not a combustible place? With most of all the area up in arms, that country has withstood their inner strife...but now...a riot at the UK Embassy..."students" stormed it and trashed it...yea, sure...it was the youth acting on their own...and, I have a piece of land to sell you at 10 cents on the dollar...
What's Monday night without Dancing With The Stars? Rumors...that the next cast of wannabees include another Kardashian...please, please, please (James Brown), no more K's anywhere!!!
So, you can figure out the stock market...dropped a whopping 560 or so last week and got a lot of it back yesterday...geez...I guess you have to have blind faith...are there these ponzi guys still out there? ...booo....
To shave or not to shave...I like the feel of the whiskers, yet, hate the odd color of it all...and I am oldish...but...will not color it...so...I am out there...oh well, put off the decision another day....maybe wait until the big Office Party and freak out you know who...it's been 72 days, right?
Major uproar on the Charger's coach...Norv Turner...saddled with a 6 game losing streak...and finally people fed up with the lack of preparation of the team...with a bunch of coaches getting their pink slips this week, ie. Dennis Erickson at ASU...it just seems that...well...on the other hand...Ohio St. hired the former Florida and Utah coach, now the ESPN analyst, Urban Meyer...he's from there and is re-energized to get back at it...proven winner where ever he has gone...

What's Monday night without Dancing With The Stars? Rumors...that the next cast of wannabees include another Kardashian...please, please, please (James Brown), no more K's anywhere!!!
So, you can figure out the stock market...dropped a whopping 560 or so last week and got a lot of it back yesterday...geez...I guess you have to have blind faith...are there these ponzi guys still out there? ...booo....
To shave or not to shave...I like the feel of the whiskers, yet, hate the odd color of it all...and I am oldish...but...will not color it...so...I am out there...oh well, put off the decision another day....maybe wait until the big Office Party and freak out you know who...it's been 72 days, right?