Number Four

Let's talk predictions...I don't see Oklahoma St. they are in...heh hey, my sleeper pick from the beginning of the year...and I don't see LSU doing so there you go...but I also, don't see the Ducks losing either...but they won't get in the one and only game to decide the where does Oregon go? Is it the Rose? Shoot, why don't the college presidents do the right thing and abolish this corrupt BCS bull s---... Do they not have any shame? They talk about duty, honor, and all the rest of the good stuff...unless it comes to the corrupt money they get from the individual bowls...booooooooooo....
And today's final topic...the's been going on for about 4 years now...the way over pricing of the ticket to watch the players play... amounts for the product they produce...and with 22 out of 28 teams losing doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out the product is way over priced...and the gall of the players to think they have to "give" up some of their millions to make this work...I have no sympathy for them...will the season be saved? Well, let's see how the players react with out their first paycheck missing...are they set up in such a way as to withstand it? This whole thing smells...
And with that, I bid you...good morning!