Mind Games
So my good friend, Snooki, and I were going back into time and trying to come up with old names of burger joints in our youths...and then I asked others from that era...and the results? Well, the names that were given still didn't ring a bell! Which brings me to the question, when do we start forgetting? Snooki, being slightly older than me, obviously has lost a little bit quicker...but outside, of like real problems, like dementia...is there going to be a resurrection? I ask you, is there hope? So to try to keep my mind sharp (er) , I play Soduko, everyday...and constantly read the what happened way back when on this day in the sports page...and eat plenty of vegetables...maybe I need to do what Cary Grant did to stay so aware...according to Dyan Cannon...
Which brings me to my next Q...when does the body become hopeless? Sure you can adjust your face with botox and stretches and all...but is the cost of that prohibitive? Or, is there anyone out there that looks better doing it? They all look like freaks to me...imagine somebody as young as Kim K doing it...what? Good lord, imagine her at 40...So don't you age gracefully...think of this, most gals cover up their hair early on and that's the way it is...I have tried to color my stache...it always looks fake...but, the gals look great...so I say, that is OK...but the rest? Stick to what you got and try to get in shape...
So I am sounding so negative and that's not my point...however...I got this phone solicitation from the Padres yesterday...trying to get me to re-enlist in their season tix...I started by being fake and saying the normal, we can't afford it stuff (real)...but he pressed and I unloaded...told him the Pad product has gone poor...blamed it on the management...he was aghast and started to defend all the actions....oops, not to me, young man...I laid it out...how the team lost it's huge lead last year due to the guys they had to pick up to bolster their O...and the young guys who were doing so well, just sat...and the trade of AGonzo was a mess, as they should have waited and got more for him...all points he disputed...we left amicable and he knows I'm hopeless...tee hee...
DWTS...sure, it's pure TV...but I like it...and the worst dancers were saved by the voting public...and one of the better ones was knocked out...so, I guess you have to vote...but really! Chubby Checker was on and he can still sort of rip it up...how old is he? With the amount of folks watching this show, the "stars" must make a goodly amount, huh...
Time to workout...
Which brings me to my next Q...when does the body become hopeless? Sure you can adjust your face with botox and stretches and all...but is the cost of that prohibitive? Or, is there anyone out there that looks better doing it? They all look like freaks to me...imagine somebody as young as Kim K doing it...what? Good lord, imagine her at 40...So don't you age gracefully...think of this, most gals cover up their hair early on and that's the way it is...I have tried to color my stache...it always looks fake...but, the gals look great...so I say, that is OK...but the rest? Stick to what you got and try to get in shape...
So I am sounding so negative and that's not my point...however...I got this phone solicitation from the Padres yesterday...trying to get me to re-enlist in their season tix...I started by being fake and saying the normal, we can't afford it stuff (real)...but he pressed and I unloaded...told him the Pad product has gone poor...blamed it on the management...he was aghast and started to defend all the actions....oops, not to me, young man...I laid it out...how the team lost it's huge lead last year due to the guys they had to pick up to bolster their O...and the young guys who were doing so well, just sat...and the trade of AGonzo was a mess, as they should have waited and got more for him...all points he disputed...we left amicable and he knows I'm hopeless...tee hee...
DWTS...sure, it's pure TV...but I like it...and the worst dancers were saved by the voting public...and one of the better ones was knocked out...so, I guess you have to vote...but really! Chubby Checker was on and he can still sort of rip it up...how old is he? With the amount of folks watching this show, the "stars" must make a goodly amount, huh...
Time to workout...