Go Figure

Staying in the political world...just how does the government think that handling the debt ceiling will be accomplished unless there is give from both sides? And, if the rich don't really pay taxes, isn't this a mute point? Only 48% of the US pay taxes...
Just why are we still in Afghanistan? Russia figured it out, get out!
Harry Potter...how many of these are there, anyway?
Geez, I don't think the trip that the Bachelorettes are on really work...do they? Where is Bentley? I miss Bentley...
Home Run Derby...kind of fun, didn't you think? Robinson Cano, wins it, and his pitcher was his daddy...so cool...
The All-Star Game...just can't figure why the importance of winning it...leave it as it is...a showcase of the best for the 1/2 season...
The trade front...a foregone conclusion that Bell and Ludwig are, in fact, gone...so who's going to give the Pads anything that they can use this year? The play station GM, will over-react and get some prospects for down the road, when he is no longer wearing the Padre blue...
I was just reading this back...I want a real choice for the next presidential campaign...a viable strong republican is needed, not what the party is throwing at us thus far...
Have you ever been involved in the executor portion of a will....with all the debt collectors, family wants, closures? Not an easy job...
Did you see the hot memo yesterday, on the Tiger Woods press conference? Much speculation what it meant...turned out to be he was changing producing agencies, or something like that...what?
Finally, the Casey Anthony fallout...she goes free this weekend...just not as big a deal around here as compared to Orlando...it is just so sad...
I am a complainer today, huh...