The Emmy's

Have you heard of Carmegeddon? A phenomena that is creating huge uproar and anticipation in the LA area...they are closing down Highway 405 for a bit...and the rest of the freeways and road system comes to a halt...if you have never driven in the smog filled space, consider yourself is truly a pain, when all the roads are up and that one is out, good luck...
The Derek Jeter snub...hey, another of the very famous and very rich in baseball...who hit a milestone 3000 of those hits...right before the All-Star game...and then chose to snub it and not show owe it to the fans to show your sorry ass there...boooooo....
Did you catch the monologue of Seth Meyers in the a fore mentioned ESPY's? As you see, I am real sarcastic right now (like always), and his bashing of the Heat was very funny to me...and he just got a lot of bops in on a lot of the rich and famous...yeh...
So Evil Dick goes into the "diary room" on Big Brother...oh please, leave it as it's a show that lasts most of the summer and is totally watch...and anyway, he doesn't return to the house....odd sequence as his daughter is part of those out of the loop...he's gone and there is no reason given as to why...the plot thickens...
Probably before your time, but I miss the class and entertainment that Johnny Carson brought to late night shows...if you haven't rented his DVD's you are missing out...
Finally, the British Open has begun...kind of reminds me of playing golf in Orygun...oops, sorry kids...I'm just kidding...