T Bone

Sure, if you are going to change your name to "World Peace" then I should change mine to "Tee Bone"...

Not really primed for the reason, but I watched most of the NBA draft...why was the crowd booing the commish?  The Kings getting Jimmer before the Jazz could...kind of interesting...PDX traded Miller, which is greeeeeaaatttttt...but Rudy, too?  San Antone did a marvelous job of trading and drafting...what was Minnesota doing?

So let's see, your gurl Lindsey, is in house arrest, she parties, she tests pos for alcohol, she goes back to court, she gets off 'cuz of great timing, she announces it was just tea she imbibed...that contained a bit of alcohol...

You northerners could care less, but the Dodgers are in disarray...nasty divorce of the owner couple...and lurking is the money of none other than Mark Cuban....yup, that guy, who owns the Dallas Mavs...in my crystal ball, I see good times ahead for LA...

Staying in baseball...an article in the Union Trib...if the Pads went 58-28 for the rest of the season, they MAY make the playoffs...not likely, so SD will shop Ludwig, Qualls, and Bell...bet on it...

This Casey Anthony trial...eerily similar to that of OJ...

A movie is in the works this pm...probably the Woody Allen one...

Friday, Friday, may favorite day...


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