
I had this theory, if there were a lot of tryouts, the team wasn't going to be that good...and the Republicans have a boat load of 'em in the mix...did you catch the "Debate" last night that the hopefuls parlayed?  Probably the wrong term, but...I would have a lot of trouble voting for any of these folks...your boy Mitt, was probably the leader...and the Tea Party gal, came in 2nd... shoot I don't know, they had nothing that had me going, "wow"...

The more I see LeBron, the more I don't like...
The Pads win at Colorado, weathering the thunder and lightning...
The bachelorette is a donald duck thing....
The 2nd half of the Housewives of OC...the gal Tamra is a disgusting person...
Played from the tips yesterday, and it just shows how bad I am...
I tried to watch hockey...where is the puck?
The sun is out and so am I...


dws said…
The debates did only one thing for me: confirm why I'm not a republican. What they agreed on: Don't ask dont tell and ban gay marriage. Anti abortion in any circumstance, Tax cuts for Businesses. Only Romney gave Obama credit for killing Bin Laden.
Ron Paul didn't belong woth this group because he is total libertarian and not a Republican.
Bachman actually wants to get rid of the EPA. Business and individuals can pollute all they want. Cain and Newt want to make all Muslims take a loyalty oath. Actually praised McCarthyism.
They all agreed that Unions are bad and should be run over. Bachman lied and said Obamacare will kill 800,00 jobs. God I don't want to go back to having a non-intellectual for President.

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