Tickle Me Tuesday

Just a lot of tantalizing thoughts, on this tickled up, tangy, tempting, trendy Tuesday...
The Pads have won 3 in a row...using the likes of the rookies to drive the offense...
It just looks like your gurl Sarah is going to be the repub candidate...
Mavs at the Heat in game one...sorry, but Miami is big time fav...
Snooki in a fender bender with the Italia poliz...oops...
The pick six at Hollywood hit for a cool $126 grand...
6 days 'til Rizzo brought up...so says CH...count 'em...
If your star player drives a BMW, maybe it could cause a stir in collegiate football...
Finally, Ohio St. fb coach Tressel, calls it quits...
Your fav gals, the Kardashians, are just a bit too much...right?
Does it look like AGonzo is all world while playing for the Red Sox?
Off to me work out...


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