NBA Playoffs

Really, I don't care who wins this playoff season in the, however, feel it will be the bloody Heat and the Mavs...and that, my fellow friends, will be a very good series...the Bulls, have no least none that I can find...if Rose can't go one on one, nuttin happens...and OKC, is a year away from being real...and Westbrook has to back off and listen to the coach...that being said, I rate the remaining two as a toss up...

Did you catch the finals of DWTS?  Hines be the winner, and of all things, your gurl Kirstie, came in second!  What?  Chelsea was much the better dancer...bah humbug to the could you?

As I am writing this, Idol hasn't barked out the winner I have been saying for a bit, that Scotty is the prohibitive fav...just like Chelsea, the final showing has little effect on the outcome, I Lauren was better last night...hey, they both are money makers in the future...a sidelight, I would have liked to hear Pia move on and that was a too bad moment...

The bottoming out Pads scraped a win this afternoon against the Cards...Latos finally got a win, going they go on the road, and none to think I'm negative, you should hear the folks around town...

Did you see your gurl Sarah is getting in the repub race?
The tornado season is just plain awful.
Can't they just leave John Edwards alone?
Geez, I'm almost playing like a golfer...
So Oprah is gone...well...
You still have Ellen...
It just was was Scotty...


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