Foolish Behavior

Kobe, Kobe, Kobe...a little upset at the officiating...and unleashes the meanest thing he can think up...a slanderous verbal attack at the ref...calling him a gay something...and the NBA came down hard on him...fined him $100 thou...bit change for him...yet, still a lot...

Barry Bonds finally got nailed...for obstruction of justice...max is 10 years...I dunno...what u think?

The Pads are much worse than last year...and why is Headley batting 3rd?  No power, no zip, not consistent...makes no sense...where's Kooz?

Idol tonight...and if I were one of them remaining two gals, I'd have a whole lot of doubt about my longevity...5 straight gurl ousters...

Super big win for PDX last night...locking up number 6 slot...against whom?

Geez, I only scored 12 less strokes about consistent...

We are off to the Grill your own with the's actually called the Strip Club!  Best in town...


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