American Idol, great TV...
A lot of buzz about the dismissal of the BYU hoops guy...STILL, I'm not buying all that is given...
the story just deepens every day...
Think about many of the favorite shows on the tube now are reality based...yet, the networks keep putting out the half hour or full hour sitcom garbage...that all seems to be the same to me...I say...put together a variety Sonny and Cher, or the Andy Williams thing, or the Dean Martin one...something on those lines...people would watch it!
The Royal oh man...I am the one that finds this repulsive...all that is wrong about England...has nothing to do with being voted in, but it is inherited and OMG...I can't believe that this fiasco still goes on...wake up world...
The warmth is about us now...shorts, Tees, and flip's about time...
NBA...lurved the Magic coming way back and beating the just shows how vulnerable Miami to think dealing with an ego such as King James is sooooo hard for any coach...and the game itself is very popular....albeit the poor get whupped by the rich...big markets win again...
Today is the day for the NFL to get off the schnied...or lose huge bucks...