Hot Topics...2010

Mid-Term elections....the expected rise of the republicans during a democratic regime...the unnamed backers of the "Tea Party" that are permeating that group...the colossal amount of money in it...the unguided naming of certain reps..."I am NOT a witch"...and your gurl, Sarah, hoping to commandeer the ship...

Out of sight salaries for movie stars....they keep churning the flix out...but with the cost of sitting in the seats...just how long can the $ hold up?  $22 for a pair, add on $12 for popcorn and coke...that's a hefty amount to shell out...

Out of sight salaries for sports stars...even more puzzling than the afore mentioned...especially shocking is the price per seat of the NBA...with this financial stressed out era, I just don't get it that the owners have soooo much money that it's just a drop in the bucket?

Lindsey there a more visual mess than this out of whack gal...she thinks she is bigger than the law, and constantly flaunts how she can beat the I missing something here?  It took all year for this train wreck...

The demise of the Padres...I know... a lot of you, could care less about this...just one game out of the playoffs, and the new, young gun GM, Jed Hoyer, figures he can restructure the team...with inferior talent...OMG...gets rid of the top players for average, below average, and double A maybe's...

The stock market...nobody talks about it...but the market has been in a steady rise...and if you had your money in the right stuff, you did very well...but do the networks emphasize it?  Not a negative story, so they leave it alone...too bad, it's a great thing...

The ongoing war against the Al Quida...even though the "leader" is nowhere to be found, there is enough evil people out there to keep us busy...try as we may, we can't dig up Osama...the times they are a changin'...always have to keep a step up on them...and it's not just in the US of A...evil, horrible, scum buckets...

The cost of gasoline...for all the reported change in the way the cars are being made...higher mpg, lighter frames, part battery powered, totally electric...the petrol just climbs...over $3.20 per gallon...I'm not offering a solution, just stating the facts, mam...

Well, kids, there are a bunch more out there....and probably more important to you...but these are the ones that have kept me is a good thing...


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