My Take

And, I'm going to say it again...I want a great game...
As I have told you earlier, the Padres continue their fire sale...AGonzo is Heath Bell that far behind? Sad, really...
Well, we are definitely Cali folk our licenses and registered the, first test I've taken in about 40 years...they confiscated the plates and destroyed the Oregon licenses...they seemed to take great joy in it, too...what?

We bought ourselves new comfort bikes for Xmas yesterday...they are beauts...have you looked at what they have out there? Cool stuff...
The Senate conservatives have already started their sabotage of Prez O...remember the taxing of the rich? They blocked it this am...
Now, this is the 1st time I am picking the Auburn Tigers to get the Gamecocks, I tell all is well in Corvallis, that throws TCU in the mix...maybe...the BSBCS would be a trying to get somebody else there...
I just want a great game...