
Ok, it wasn't a great game, but a good one...and I think that if the Duck QB ever kept the ball on the option he'd a scored many times...but...the Beavs played their hearts out...and they had nothing to lose, yet their Coach Riley chose the conservative route when they could have gone for TD's, he chose FG' can not fault the effort of OSU...Jordan Bishop was outstanding and it still bewilders me that they don't use him more...wait, yes I do, the coaching ain't that great...
Well....the Auburn Tigers looked like the real deal against the Gamecocks...err Lamecocks...horrible effort by them...and oh by the way...Cam Newton is in a class by himself...
So does the BSBCS chose the Tigers and Ducks for their mysterious champ game?  I think so...if it were anyone else than TCU, I don't know...
In the aftermath of the Adrian Gonzalez trade to the Red must read the Bob Ryan column in the Boston Globe...basically saying the Sox gave up...NOTHING!....
It's the Bolts against the Raiders today...and a prohibitive fav...and SD continues their streak...
Hey, did you see this golfer by the name of Woods, is dominating a tourney just north of LA?  I think heeeeeeee'sssss back....


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