Thursday in the GQ

This is the way we start our day in the GQ...
What a bang, bang, win over the DBacks last night...HR's by Tejada and AGonzo...and, of course, great pitching by LeBlanc and the pen...move to 6 1/2 games up...
We are getting closer to our housewarming party...the bar stools are in...the sofa tables on their way...the 2 extra dining room chairs imminent...and the barbecue is picked up today...
There is a couple doing exactly the same thing we are doing here...just sold their big house and downsizing to the condo funny to watch someone else doing it...and on our way to the game...there they were at the British Pub, sipping their cares away...
Michael Buble tomorrow night...have to admit, this is THE concert I wanted to the era of music he sings and his delivery is awesome... I'll write my review...
Is there more going on in this world more than Lindsey Lohan?  The amount of time that the press gives her is ridiculous...train wreck...
Why do the Iraq people love killing each other?
What a great pick for Miss Universe in Miss Mexico...
Why do the race courses use a poly track rather than regular dirt?
LT is all the way on the other coast trying to rejuvenate his career with the Jets...good luck but he's football old...
It's been 19 days since I've played golf...
Is there more frivolous fun than watching Big Brother?  Talk about talking about's like watching the Andy Griffith Show...just sit and enjoy, almost like being without brain...not that I would know what that's like...
AI...the rampant rumors about who the new judges are to be...JLo?  Now that would be fun...
Sheryl Crow on the CBS Morning Show this am...she keeps getting better...I bet you can't say that much about almost all singers..."All I Wanna Do" is just have some fun...a good beer buzz before dawn...what?
Dig it...


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