Cleveland's Real Star
For all the jibberish about the best Cleveland athlete leaving town...I go back to the favorite of mine in that great sports I know many of you don't think of Ohio as a mecca...but you do have the Buckeyes, which just are a fan fave for sure...try to get a seat in a Ohio St. game...or the mighty Big Red Machine of the 70's in get my drift...well, way back when, when most people were worshiping the Yankees, I was the lone dissenter and loved the gasp...Indians...not a politically correct call coming from my heritage...but my guy was the one and only, Rocco "Rocky"Colavito ....a long baller, that had a huge arm, that actually started his career as a hurler...that spent most of his quality time as the man in the years wore on, he, like most MLB'ers, were bounced around like marbles to other teams...which brings me to my long, but accurate point...NOW, a player actually has his own say in where he plays, after his initial contract is about to the likes of your guy, King James, can shop on his own...what a beautiful option in your playing comes the rub...the price that is paid, is that the rich get richer and the poor get poorer...'cuz the stars don't go to a small market team, they go to a big one...the cap is a joke and the Clevelands and the Portlands will forever bask in mediocrity...the solution? Get real on the cap and the socialistic method of equality may balance the sports world...gosh...