The Hunt

It is on...and it has been on ever since 9/11...and every once in a while a drone will get one of the world's villains...yup, the leaders of the Al Qaeda...the group that has no country, no allegiance with anyone, no guts to stand up to anyone...the scum of the know I'm the one that says that their supreme leader, Bin Laden, has already been blown to smithereens...he would have shown his filthy, ugly head by now, if he was still breathing...sure, the HUNT is still on...but he's mangled in the western Afghanistan was reported the number 3 guy was place to hide, no place to run...except in holes of the earth...
Holy moly!  Catch your breath...the 1st place Padres put up 18 runs on the board...not in a week, but in ONE game...that started off the series with the Mets...OK, everyone is going to say, "save some of those runs" for the rest of the series...doesn't go that fact, the next 3 games are doozies...more later...but this one...pitcher Kevin Correa was very fortunate to have the onslaught, as he has not had good stuff since coming back from his family's tragedy...the middle of the lineup finally got going with AGonzo and Chase Headley hitting the ball REAL WELL...and hot hitting Jerry Hairston with a grand salammy...what's coming up?  2 of the best pitchers that money can buy...Pelfrey and Santana...probably back to scratching out enough runs to win...this, my friends, is a real test of where this team is...
The NBA...the finals...Lakers vs. Celtics...what the scribes wanted...what the easterners wanted to write you got it...and, if all goes right, it will take 7 games to figure out who's this year's best...for TV, it's all about the ratings...mysterious ways of elongating the is my assessment...should only go 5...LA has too many fresh weapons...Boston has nobody to guard Kobe...Rondo is not 100%...they'll try to beat up Gasol...naw...Lakers in 6...
What are the stocks doing today?


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