Racial Profiling

The times are uncertain for different types of heritage in this country...persecution of the races has been ongoing since the Europeans invaded and took over this land less than 225 years ago...and this country has created some of it's own situations with the importing of it's slaves...and as all people grow, the country didn't comprehend that growth...
Fast forward to now...the USA is considering itself prim and proper...doesn't want the stability of it's people altered...that now, there can be no others coming in to the country to do what they did 225 years ago...this land is our land...
Where am I going with this? The strengthening of our borders is a must...but where is the threat of harm coming from? Without a doubt it is from the goons of Al Quida and it's wannabees...the pirates without it's own country that has a sole goal of killing any US peoples they can...
With the latest incident in New York, it shows how vulnerable our borders are...and it also shows how quickly we react to this type of stuff...are you out of your comfort zone boarding a plane with middle easterners boarding with you? Yup, so what can be done? We are in the midst of perhaps the most comprehensive detective work this modern day...BUT....are we in the same mode with the Mexican border? This is what the state of Arizona is thinking and reacting to...
The beauty of this country is the diversity it has...all races, all respective colors, all ethnicity....but, the strain here is clearly the Al Quida....not the Mexicans...
Sooooooooo, the direction of the military to eliminate them over there and not here is a good, no, a great thing....we wake up every day and think of great things we want to accomplish, they wake up and think of how they will kill us...
Justice will be done....