Bear Market

So do you trust guys like this?  Is he but an indicator of where the financial instability lies in this country?  Is there a rhyme or a reason why the stocks rise and fall so quickly?  Is our money so tied in to the European scene that it can't handle their woes?  Isn't the bulk of our money rapt into the far east?  I guess I could go on and on...and NOBODY has the answers....not THIS GUY, or anyone...
Did you watch your Survivor?  Russell the rat has a paw in to all that happens in the game...he just may be what he says, the best player ever...I'm not sure, as Parvati has him cornered...I think...
Idol....finally the voters got wise and elevated the true contenders and released the kid from us all...still can't see peops voting for him over the screamer...I blame the loss of her to Simon...
Did you catch your girl Elizabeth Hassleback's view of DWTS Erin?  Me thinks Lizzy gettin' too dizzy with her Conservy thinkin....and the latest rumor is Lizzy is bff with your other girl Sarah...OMG...
It's my 3rd week of scramble tourneys...this time in Carlsbad....another crack team of hooligans to snare the top is the day...
It's a CNN business week alert...
Are the NBA playoffs over yet?


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